Engage employees with active learning experiences

Class brings virtual training tools that make learning and development engaging and collaborative. Collaborate with learners, host live workshops, and lay a path of continuous growth within your organization.


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Trusted by 10M+ users from 1,500+ institutions worldwide

Trusted by 10M+ users from 1,500+ institutions in 75+ countries

Build a foundation for the future of work

Learning and development professionals are on the front lines of an evolving workplace, with increased pressures, organizational challenges, and market shifts. A robust training program is essential to an organization’s continued success and technology can help unlock the winning formula. With Class, L&D professionals can better address challenges, like:

Declining employee engagement

With 77% of the global workforce not engaged or actively disengaged at work, brands need to develop programs that effectively combat this by fostering community, establishing career paths, and building on existing skillsets.

Delivering more,
for less

As budgets come under increased scrutiny and distributed workforces need additional support, L&D professionals need to prioritize efficiency and scalability with their workforce training and development programs.

Rapid pace
of change

58% of employees say they need new skills to do their job effectively, while automation and AI are expected to widen the skills gap even further. Organizations need to deliver repeatable, measurable training programs to reskill and upskill their workforces.

Build a foundation for the future of work

Learning and development professionals are on the front lines of an evolving workplace, with increased pressures, organizational challenges, and market shifts. A robust training program is essential to an organization’s continued success and technology can help unlock the winning formula. With Class, L&D professionals can better address challenges, like:

Declining employee engagement

With 77% of the global workforce not engaged or actively disengaged at work, brands must develop programs that effectively combat this by fostering community, establishing career paths, and building on existing skills.

Delivering more, for less

As budgets come under increased scrutiny and distributed workforces need additional support, L&D professionals need to prioritize efficiency and scalability with their workforce training and development programs.

Rapid pace of change

58% of employees say they need new skills to do their jobs effectively, while automation and AI are expected to widen the skills gap even further. Organizations must deliver repeatable, measurable training programs to reskill and upskill their workforces.

The next generation virtual classroom designed for employee development

With Class’s virtual classroom platform, L&D teams can deliver live virtual training programs that are engaging, measurable, and secure. With a robust suite of tools, organizations can facilitate active, blended learning for distributed workforces, integrate with their existing systems, and measure both learner engagement and instructor efficacy.

Upskill & reskill employees

Upskilling and reskilling your team members is crucial to staying ahead and providing growth opportunities helps ensure you retain your best workers.

Transform employee onboarding

Offer a differentiated onboarding experience and create a culture of development from the start with a virtual classroom experience that encourages active learning.

Reimagine leadership development

Cultivate the potential of your best talent with virtual leadership development that incorporates active learning, practical experience, and consistent growth.

Discover how Class can transform virtual training for your organization