Higher Ed
2022 Survey of Campus Chief Technology/Information Officers: A Survey By Inside Higher Ed and Hanover Research

The integration of technology has become a pivotal strategy to enhance student enrollment and retention outcomes.
However, a critical evaluation from the perspective of IT department leaders raises questions about the effectiveness of these initiatives. According to this survey, only 4 out of 10 technology leaders view their institutions’ investment in student success and completion as very or extremely effective. Similarly, roughly a third express a similar sentiment regarding the efficacy of their technology investments in data analysis. This suggests a notable gap in achieving desired outcomes. The survey, conducted in partnership with Inside Higher Ed, marks the first-ever exploration into the perspectives of Campus Chief Technology and Information Officers.
In this report, you’ll learn about:
- Integration of technology in higher education
- Effectiveness of technology in student enrollment and retention
- Assessment of institutional investment in student success and completion
- Evaluation of technology investments in data analysis
- Discrepancies in perceived effectiveness among technology leaders